Capitalist Youth and Cuddle Magic @ Passim 7/2!


Hello all, we’re excited to be opening for Cuddle Magic at Club Passim on Saturday, July 2nd! Check out the Facebook page or Club Passim for details.

Also if you can’t make it, you can always watch us streaming online. Check it out at Concert Window, 8pm.

Don’t forget!


Hey remember to check us out at Club Passim today at 5pm! If you can’t make it, the performance will also be streamed at Concert Window.

The Capitalist Youth Strikes Boston’s Campfire Festival Again


Boston’s Club Passim’s Campfire Festival is once again playing host to the Capitalist Youth this Sunday, May 29, 2011 @5pm.  The festival runs through Memorial day weekend starting Friday, May 27th through Monday, May 30th touting a multitude of talented singer songwriters.

$30 gets you full access to the entire weekend, while a mere $10 grants you one full day of performances. If  you only make one day, make it the 29th so you don’t miss our kick ass set @5pm featuring a stripped down version of our harmonizing, hand clapping sounds of summer camp nostalgia.

For the Facebooking crowd you can get your details fix here.

Come out and sing-along!